ChatGPT has opened a new chapter of information technology, and our world will never be the same. This includes our political world, and the risks - and unique opportunities - facing democracies are enormous.
The challenge of building trust – especially online – is one that has come up very often in our conversations with public servants and engagement specialists. And partially as a result of the.
The past two years have changed how local governments engage with their residents. From virtual open houses to online and hybrid engagement, we’ve all had to adapt to the "new reality". Our recent.
Have you heard of “DAOs”? They are an emerging type of web-based organization that uses blockchain technology to self-organize. DAOs have gotten a lot of coverage recently in mainstream publications.
2021 was another challenging year for local governments, and a particularly busy one for those working in public engagement. As we continue to face uncertainty amidst another wave of the pandemic,.
There are two approaches to engaging with political systems. The first, most common approach, is to engage with the system as it is and try to achieve better outcomes. The second is to imagine and.
Governance is emerging as one of the key challenges facing DAOs, and - as the space becomes more developed - crypto communities generally. Strong group decision-making will be critical to resolving.
In March of 2021, we were proud to announce that Ethelo is a B Corp, and in April, Ethelo was named the world’s leading digital democracy platform. And the good news doesn't stop there! Just a few.
There is a widespread and growing acknowledgement of the negative impact polarization, disinformation, and mistrust have taken on democracies in Canada and around the world. The growth of populism.
We’re getting deep into August and fall is just around the corner. But there’s still time to get some more summer reading done before things kick back into high gear in September.
Across North America, municipal leaders are grappling with how to turn the energy of protesters in the streets calling for police reform into tangible policy changes that will meet the needs of a.
Across Canada, many people are eager to learn how to be good allies to Indigenous peoples and many local governments are exploring ways to collaborate with neighbouring First Nations.
Prefer to watch, not read? Then head right over to check out our webinar recording for this topic: How to Harness that Power of Data: Techniques for Local Governments
There has been growing speculation about the potential impact of artificial intelligence, in particular machine learning, on how society operates at the macro level.
For Immediate Release: April 20, 2021 A major report released today outlined key budget recommendations from a coast-to-coast public engagement process. The findings of the report were shared in a.
You make hundreds of decisions every day, but in our current democratic system, the decisions that impact your life most are often made by someone else, without consulting you. Don't you deserve to.
2020 was a year of accelerated lessons. At the very moment that municipalities needed to make their residents feel involved and informed, social distancing measures made it harder than ever to reach.
Ethelo is specifically designed to model complex decisions with many trade-offs and potential outcomes. Unlike traditional surveys, Ethelo forefronts communication, fairness and consensus, allowing.
Everyone deserves the chance to participate in the decisions that will impact them. But if you’ve struggled with balancing over-represented and under-represented voices in a public engagement, you.
Morphological Analysis (MA), which means “the study of forms” is well established as a method for modelling structural relationships between objects and phenomena in a number of scientific fields.
For Immediate Release: August 6, 2020 A new case study report was released today by the non-profit organization eDemocracy Solutions (the sister organization of Canadian tech company Ethelo).
eDemocracy (a portmanteau of “electronic” and “democracy”) is an approach to democracy which emphasizes equity, fairness, and inclusion. eDemocracy seeks to combine the use of modern technology and.
In a rush? Read this article at-a-glance by clicking below to download a checklist of 25+ ideas for making sure your engagement reaches a representative sample. One of the most frustrating challenges.
Capital projects are among the largest line items in any municipal budget, and as such, are among the highest sources of grief and outrage from the public if they feel their tax dollars are being.
A few months after an unprecedented global shut-down, the world is cautiously beginning to wonder what comes next in a post-COVID era. So far, are things going back to ‘business as usual’ for local.
Can an algorithm be used for social good? Ricardo Fukasawa has made a career of studying algorithmic optimization, but the work usually centres around improving business efficiency to enhance a.
Two Canadian companies, Ethelo and Converso, are pleased to announce a new collaboration to address the challenges of public engagement during physical distancing. Their new Virtual Open House.
The following content is intended to be general information, not legal advice - please always seek legal advice particular to your situation. As pandemic response continues into the foreseeable.
Modern democracies have evolved more in the last few months than they have in the past century. Digital tools, live-streaming capabilities, and sophisticated technological platforms are changing how.
Times of crisis are when democracies face their greatest challenges, and also when they show their greatest strengths. In recent weeks, we have seen governments around the world put to the test as.
Historically, there have been no shortage of tools that consultants could use to understand customers and deliver results for their clients — surveys, focus groups, and visualization tools, just to.
In less than a fortnight, COVID-19 has forced us to move many aspects of our lives online — which stands in direct contrast to how a lot of public engagement work is typically conducted. Two.
Digital technology is fundamentally changing the way that we engage in democratic processes. After 9 years using its breakthrough technology to offer peaceful resolution to some of society’s most.
Grants are essential to helping local governments take on new projects and initiatives, but staff members are often stretched too thin to find and apply for them. The latest webinar in the eDemocracy.
It’s Time Consultation Brought Citizens Together Over Controversial Transportation Policy Argyle Communications, a communications and engagement firm, recently used Ethelo for an engagement project.
Climate change is an emergency, but to most people, it seems to feel more like a pesky problem that someone else needs to solve. It isn’t something that feels personal, urgent or fixable.
This blog is part of a series of the top questions that came out of Ethelo eDemocracy's recent Webinar, Top Ten Questions About Carbon Budgets and Public Engagement, where we discussed how.
The idea of a "fairness dilemma" permeates nearly every type of group decision, whether in government, business, or even among a family. In an ideal world, everyone involved in the decision-making.
Just like any social innovation, democracy is liable to evolve and improve over the course of time. Today, our democratic systems have the unique opportunity to be greatly enhanced by modern.
In the digital age, the options for engagement platforms are bountiful. The choice is no longer about whether or not to digitize your engagement, but which platforms can best serve your community's.
From the United States to the UK and around the world, political polarization is rising. We’ve seen frustration with the status quo manifest itself in the Brexit vote, Donald Trump’s election, and.
Ethelo is collaboration technology designed for solving multi-factor decision problems, particularly when issues are contentious and there is a requirement for fairness.
If you’ve ever worked in finance administration at a local government, then you know citizens and colleagues alike love to complain about how tax dollars are, or are not, being spent. Have you ever.
You hear a lot these days about how democracy is in decline around the world. Given this climate, the need for democratic practice is perhaps greater now than at any time in recent history. That’s.
Bitcoin – a decentralized electric currency system released in 2009 – has inspired all sorts of tech possibilities at PartyX. The Bitcoin system uses peer-to-peer networking, digital signatures and.
Contrary to what’s portrayed in most media, the solutions to the climate crisis are not going to come from international coalitions creating wide-ranging policy. Instead, true action and progress.
Ethelo is currently patented in the US (Patent No. 9,727,883) but the primary purpose of the patent is protective. Our plan is to Open Source the Ethelo engine under an Affero Copyleft license. We.
After nearly two decades of working on the issue of climate change, outspoken campaign organizer Ben West has now taken on a new role as Executive Director that he believes could help play a critical.
Ethelo Theory “Ethelo” is a word from ancient Greek that means “intention” or “willpower.” The theory underlying ethelo is that complex problems can be solved by identifying decisions that will focus.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 15, 2019 Ethelo and Open North are excited to announce that Ethelo has acquired “Citizen Budget”- Canada’s leading municipal budget consultation tool.
When any group is faced with a large decision or set of decisions, it’s important to ensure that those decisions are being made by the people with the most knowledge and experience on each issue..