
The purpose of this Usage Policy is to guide decision Participants in their use of the interactive social functionality of the Platform. As a user of Ethelo’s websites, including the Ethelo Platform where decisions are hosted, you are expected to adhere to our Usage Policy when you comment, send messages, post content or materials, or otherwise input data on Ethelo.

Usage Principles

As an Ethelo user you agree to respect and adhere to the following principles:

  1. I will be myself online. I will not misrepresent who I am or what my intentions are to other users, including other Participants and Administrators, or to Ethelo’s personnel.
  2. I will not disclose private and personal information about another Participant because I know that I would not want someone else to do that to me.
  3. I will be transparent about my intentions and interests. For example, I will identify myself as an interested party and disclose my relevant interests when I am discussing a service, product, or organization that I have a personal or financial stake or interest in.
  4. I will be respectful and will not say something online that I wouldn’t say in front of my grandmother or a room full of impressionable toddlers.
  5. I will be truthful and if I inadvertently make a mistake, I will make every effort to correct it as soon as possible.
  6. I will be polite and assume a good intention when I disagree with someone.
  7. I will use casual, friendly language whenever possible.
  8. I agree that profanity and hateful language is never appropriate on Ethelo’s websites, including the Ethelo Platform.
  9. I will remember that what I write cannot always be retracted and often becomes a permanent part of the public record.

Failure to follow these principles, as well as engaging in other behaviours which are not yet listed but which Ethelo users or personnel consider to be flagrant, abusive, or otherwise damaging to fellow users, may result in:

  1. warnings,
  2. temporary suspension of use,
  3. temporary loss of access, or
  4. permanent ban and deletion of your account.

Should you be involved in any of the aforementioned correctional steps, Ethelo will make every effort to ensure that you are treated transparently, respectfully, and fairly.

Suggestions / Questions / Concerns

Suggestions on how we can improve our usage policy are welcome. To make suggestions, or if you have questions or concerns about our usage policy, please contact privacy@ethelodecisions.com.